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The Quirky Messiah

I don’t have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.



What I Think About the Bulger Killers

People take the mick out of the saying that you are what you are raised as. Your parents once they have brought you into this world are the people that make you, that create you and let you express your feelings and personality within certain constraint. The two boys that killed James Bulger were totally void of the rounding needed to make you a "normal" law abiding person in society. They were wandering the streets of Liverpool and skipping school at the age of 10 for god sakes. Where were the parents? What the boys did was totally wrong needless to say, but they should not be held up as monsters with no feelings, but a result of total bad parenting, and the fact that the government did not help the two children who barely turned up to school.  They were failed and had barely a moral installed in them. Now that they have been in have been in care they have qualifications and are probably more stable than you and me. Their parents should be hounded and held up as examples of shame, they made these children. Also one thing that probably makes it worse for Denise (Bulger?) is the fact that she has to live with the thought that she did not have her two year old, who was in the middle of town in a shopping mall under some kind of restraint. A kiddy lead? In a pushchair? This stuff is not expected but you do not let your young children roam free, other accidents could happen. My regard for the Bulger family took another turn for the worst when I discovered an OK magazine spread for the family. What a nice little earner that must of been on the back of the death of your son. Nice One.

 I hope that these two boys are allowed to continue with their lives and never be hunted down by vigilantes, because they were and remain to be victims also.

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